Mobile Phone Policy
May 30, 2023 2023-05-31 16:01Mobile Phone Policy

Mobile and Smart Technology’and ‘Social Media’Policy
Learners’ Use of Social Media
- The use of social media during school/ hours for personal use is not permitted for learners. This will vary based on the age/ability of the learners etc. as decided by the headteacher/manager. Settings should include expectations if use is permitted e.g. permitted during lunch/break times or with explicit permission.
- Holden Park School will empower our learners to acquire the knowledge needed to use social media in a safe, considered and respectful way, and develop their resilience so they can manage and respond to online risks. Safe and appropriate use of social media will be taught to learners as part of an embedded and progressive safeguarding education approach using age-appropriate sites and resources. Further information is contained within our child protection and relevant specific curriculum policies.
- We are aware that many popular social media sites are not permitted for use by children under the age of 13, or in some cases higher. As such, we will not create accounts for learners under the required age as outlined in the services terms and conditions.
Learners will be advised:
- to consider the benefits and risks of sharing personal details or information on social media sites which could identify them and/or their location.
- to only approve and invite known friends on social media sites and to deny access to others, for example by making profiles private.
- not to meet any online friends without a parent/carer or other appropriate adults’ permission, and to only do so when a trusted adult is present.
- to use safe passwords.-to use social media sites which are appropriate for their age and abilities.
- how to block and report unwanted communications.
- how to report concerns on social media, both within the setting and externally.
- Any concerns regarding learners use of social media will be dealt with in accordance with appropriate existing policies, including anti-bullying, child protection and behaviour.
- The DSL (or Head Teacher) will respond to social media concerns involving safeguarding or child protection risks in line with our child protection policy. Mobile and Smart Technology’and ‘Social Media’Policy
- Sanctions and/or pastoral/welfare support will be implemented and offered to learners as appropriate, in linewith our child protection and behaviour policy.
- Concerns regarding learners use of social media will be shared with parents/carers as appropriate, particularly when concerning underage use of social media services and games.
- We require parents/carers and learners to work in partnership with us to resolve issues.
- During school hours the following uses for a mobile phone are unacceptable: SMS, Calls, Internet, social media, photos, photo sharing, bullying, file sharing.
- Students are reminded that mobile phone/laptopbullying, intimidation or any content of a violent or sexual nature may be a criminal offence and is often traceable by the police.
- Students are not allowed to take photos of staff.
- When directed to use mobile phones/laptopsfor learning purposes, students must adhere to rules set by teachers to prevent distractions and impact to learning.
- Students must adhere to the school’s strict sanction policy and confiscation terms for inappropriate use of mobile phones/laptop.
- Pupils may not bring mobile phones or electronic devices on school trips or outings. Again,in the event of an emergency the school will contact parents.
- Pupils bringing their devices into school must ensure there is no inappropriate content on the device. The sending of inappropriate messages between any members of the school community is not allowed. Instances of cyber bullying of pupils or staff will be regarded as extremely serious and dealt with in line with the school’s discipline policy and child protection procedures. Parents will be informed of anyone involved in inappropriate usage. Pupils are aware that any misuse of mobile phones or devices should be reported to a member of staff immediately.