May 30, 2023 2023-05-30 12:31Mathematics

At Holden Park, it is important that high standards are attained in Mathematics. We aim to develop a positive attitude towards the subject through purposeful teaching using a variety of textbooks and materials. In order to ensure interest and enjoyment of the subject we relate math to the children’s everyday life and use digital technology in our classes. We aim to encourage their natural curiosity for learning, promote independence, praise persistently and support their ability to work as an individual, in a pair or group setting. We aim to ensure that our students are not only confident in Mathematics but are able to use the knowledge as well as skills gained as they progress through their senior schools and beyond.
By the time our students come to the end of their learning journey in Holden Park they would have developed sound mathematical skills that can be used in a variety of context and importantly in the next stage of their learning journey.
As a National Curriculum of England subject, Mathematics is compulsory in Years 7 – 11 . Our students will be taught to work confidently and effectively at a suitable level and pace, with both an appropriate level of support and opportunities to explore the mathematical ideas in greater detail.
Key Stage 3
In Years 7, 8 & 9, students study number, algebra, ratio and proportion, geometry and measures, probability and statistics. Learning activities will cultivate the learner’s thinking skills and put the maths that they are learning in context. Our students will sit for the Cambridge Checkpoint examinations in Maths at the end of Key Stage three (3).
Key Stage 4
In Years 10 & 11 students will study for the Mathematics IGCSE at the appropriate level, either Higher or Foundation levels. There will be three examination papers at the end of Year 11. The areas of study are number, algebra, ratio, proportion and rates of change, geometry and measures, probability and statistics. In Year 10 & 11, a selection of pupils will have the opportunity to study Additional Mathematics which is a bridging qualification to prepare students for sixth form Mathematics.
Educational visits and extracurricular activity
There are so many extra-curricular areas of Maths for students to get involved with; Maths Olympiads ,‘Insert a name’ Maths Club (named after Pythagoras’s adage that numbers rule the universe) This will happen on a weekly basis for our enthusiastic KS3 mathematicians so they can  explore facets of mathematics (puzzles, ideas and magic) beyond the scope of the curriculum.
Maths Clinics/ workshops
There is a session for all students who require some form of individual support with identified skills and content.
Fun STEM fair
An annual opportunity for students at all levels to engage hands-on problems, quizzes, and puzzles of varying levels of difficulty to challenge their ability to think and work mathematically. They will also apply their mathematical skills while working on an assigned project.
The Maths department will celebrate the World Pi Day (on 3/14), World Maths Day (by competing in Maths competitions online against international students) as part of Numbers Day.
Rooms and resources
The department’s teaching is predominantly based in the student rooms which is fully equipped with interactive whiteboards, Smart TV, and other IT resources. The department subscribes to a variety of websites such as the MyiMaths to support the teaching and learning of Mathematics; the resource site offers content to aid the teaching of mathematics to enthuse today’s students and provide a strong foundation for other Maths related subjects; this site is accessible to all students both in school and at home.